New Year's Day Dive
It’s not often we make The Oxford Times, but after starting the New Year with an invitational dive in Hinksey Lake we found ourselves on the front page and a great article on the inner pages.
Oxford Times front page, OxBSAC and OUUEG
Trip Report Plymouth 14-15th October 2023
This spontaneous trip was both my first expedition with OUUEG and first time diving in the ocean!
Early on the Saturday morning, six of us headed down to Plymouth to spend the weekend diving off the clubs RHIB, Seahorse, moored at Plymouth Yacht Haven Marina. In the late morning, after emptying the large amount of built-up rainwater in Seahorse, we headed off to dive around Penlee Point and the Rame Peninsula.
Seahorse at the start of the day, she’s had a lot to drink!
Xianming at the helm
Stoney Cove, 21 October 2023
Even though I have been diving for quite a while, it was my first time diving in the UK. The members of OUUEG while qualifying me to use a dry suit in a fun and interactive manner, organized our single day trip to Stoney Cove.
Stoney Cove
Trip Report Plymouth 12-13 July 2023
In the good old tradition of OUUEG Plymouth trips, we went down to Devon to spend a weekend diving off our own club RHIB, which had just been refurbished, re-tubed and put back to its mooring place at Plymouth Yacht Haven Marina near Mount Batten.
We got some nice accommodation in a private hostel/hotel, the Lake House in Hooe, only 3 minutes away from the marina. It wasn’t overly expensive, clean, quiet, and definitely an upgrade from the bunk house we usually stay in, however, I missed a communal area a bit, and we had to gather in one of the bedrooms for breakfast. Still, I would go back, since the location was so convenient!
Our Saturday started with an early rise, we planned to hit the morning slack tide. Weather forecast promised a force 5 gusting 6 from SW, and we decided that getting out of the Sound wasn’t practical and we would try to dive sites on the Western end inside the Sound, for example Barn Pool. Upon arriving at the marina and inspecting the boat, however, we found out that the seams in the bow tubes had come apart!
Seahorse looking sad
First Try Dives of the academic year!
Our Try Dives last Friday were a huge success!
10 happy Try Divers got to take their first steps on their diving journey:
Diving in Iffley pool
Huge thanks to all of our instructors for giving up their Friday evening to help out, and a big thanks to Marius for organising the whole thing!
Hope to see lots of fresh faces at tonight’s (Wednesday 11th October 2023) info evening at 7pm @ Raptakos Seminar Room, St Catherine’s College!
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