Our Try Dives last Friday were a huge success!

10 happy Try Divers got to take their first steps on their diving journey: Diving in Iffley pool Diving in Iffley pool

Huge thanks to all of our instructors for giving up their Friday evening to help out, and a big thanks to Marius for organising the whole thing!

Hope to see lots of fresh faces at tonight’s (Wednesday 11th October 2023) info evening at 7pm @ Raptakos Seminar Room, St Catherine’s College!

Here are some more photos I took:

Marius had prepared all this kit by himself, what a hero! Marius had prepared all this kit by himself, what a hero!

Holger looking particularly enthusiastic to instruct Holger looking particularly enthusiastic to instruct

Penny briefing some students for their first diving experience! Penny briefing some students for their first diving experience!