Learn to Dive

BSAC has continuously developed its training programme for divers since its formation in 1953. The training programme reflects the requirements for safe diving in the conditions encountered in UK waters but is equally applicable throughout the world.

The British Sub Aqua Club offers five different qualifications which are described in depth on the BSAC website. The two most common training packages offered by OUUEG are the initial Ocean Diver training where one does not need to have any diving experience. This course will qualify you to dive to a maximum depth of 20 metres anywhere in the world with a qualified buddy. After completing your Ocean Diver training you may decide to advance to the Sports Diver training where you practice many additional skills and progress your maximum diving depth up to 35 metres.

The Ocean Diver package has everything required to get diving including theory sessions, pool sessions and open water lessons, equipment rental and pool bookings. It would be useful to get some personal kit like a mask and fins.

The initial practical lessons will take place at local Oxford pools with enough depth for basic training. Open water training will take place on a training trip in Michaelmas term and on our Easter Training trip. Costs for the trips such as transport, food and accommodation are not included in the training packages. If you have any questions about those courses please contact our training officer.

Ocean Diver Pack

£275 (2023-24)

Flat training fee

Our Ocean Diver package includes all BSAC learning materials, five theory lessons, five instructed pool training dives, all pool fees, five open water dives, equipment rental, and most importantly a lot of fun.

Not included in the package are expenses for training trips and drysuit hire. Please note that you have to become a member of OUUEG and BSAC. The total cost for training package and both memberships is £335.50 for students and £397.00 for other members.

Training schedule

Ocean Diver and Sports Diver training happens at fixed dates each year: Ocean Diver and Sports Diver in Hilary term (January – March). Ocean Divers also must keep the easter break free to finish training. If you are thinking of doing a course please contact our training officer.

We sometimes run a block course for Ocean Diver in spring/early summer so please register your interest now to get the invitation if you can not attend the upcoming Michaelmas training.

Pool sessions and lectures

Before open water training, a number of sessions must be held in the swimming pool to learn the techniques used in SCUBA diving, before transferring them to a quarry/the sea. In addition, there are theory sessions followed by a short multi-choice exam.

Open water sessions

Your first open water experience is likely to be a training trip to a quarry late in Michaelmas term. Thereafter, most Ocean Diver and Sports Diver open water training is conducted during our Easter Trip. This is our largest training trip and aims to get all the qualifications done conveniently at the beginning of the diving season! Participating in this trip is the easiest way to get qualified and it is highly recommended if you would like to take advantage of as much of the UK diving season as you can. However if you cannot make it to the Easter training trip you will still be able to complete your training. In this case, it would be more down to you and you would be required to contact instructors who will teach you on any of the club’s regular dive trips and expeditions.

In case you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to contact our training officer at [email protected].