
  • My first sea dives. North Norfolk

    Sheringham Esplanade Sheringham Esplanade

    Diving in the ocean for the first time was simply incredible. An entire other world exists beneath the waves that works in entirely different ways, and to be able to visit that world is breathtaking. From the colourful wildlife going about their business to the remnants of historical wrecks being reclaimed by nature. Absolutely stunning.


  • OUUEG Naples Trip 26th June to 3rd July 2024

    Our incredible international summer trip saw us fly out to the city of Pozzuoli, just a 20-minute drive from Naples, sitting atop the super volcano Campi Flegrei. Our weeklong dive, organised by the wonderful David Brock, saw us dive with the equally wonderful guides Silvia, Ahmet, Alessandro, Ale and Marcello from Sub Centro Campi Flegrei amongst the 2000-year-old ruins of part of the Roman town of Baia, along with dives near the islands of Ischia and Procida. See more incredible under and overwater pictures of our adventures.


  • Count the Congers :-)

    Everyone likes sea life, but not everyone likes all kinds of sea life.

    Tight family Tight family of Conger Conger

    These beauties are conger eels, and you can see them on many dives all around Great Britain. But seeing many of them together is not that common. Their teeth are sharp — don’t harass them, or they can bite a chunk of you off. Otherwise, aren’t they lovely? :-)


  • Easter Trip 2024

    David’s words

    What can I say about ET? It was fantastic and so good to be back at Porthkerris. Even though the drive down on Good Friday was a bit of a beast! The big question though, was would the weather play fair and let us dive? Yes it would and although the surf was a challenge and the vis probably not as good as we’d like, and after being frequently tumbled, we made it safely in and out of the water most day! We launched seahorse for a successful trip to the wreck of the Volnay and even got some training done! But the weather didn’t always play fair and some evenings we were as wet on the beach as we were in the sea! Well some of us were as wet in the sea as we were on the beach! The odd leaky dry suit. The caravans at Kennack Sands were a welcome retreat. Warm, comfortable and a great place to rest, recharge and enjoy some fantastic food. Thank you to all those that fed us so brilliantly. Bellies full and beers or ciders in hand, we chilled out in the evenings as we waited for MC Clara to give us the daily report, in rap! (See below) and some tunes on the guitar from Benjo.



  • OUUEG 60th Anniversary Dinner

    Last night we celebrated our club’s 60th anniversary with a formal dinner at St Hilda’s College, Oxford. It was a great success with over 50 current and former members in attendance.

    OUUEG 1980-onwards What a fantastic evening! Thank you to everyone who came and made it so special.

    Link to Google Photos album:


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