
  • Tollesbury Expedition, 17th-19th August 2018

    Farah, Mark, Kirill and Ryan set off for a weekend aboard Petrah, a Southerly 110 yacht, following the success of Farah’s previous sailing-diving hybrid trip to Norfolk. The plan this time is to stay close to Tollesbury and explore a shallow wreck or two near the entrance to Black water. However, British weather laid best-made plans asunder. The sea is like a cup of milky tea, and Farah and Ryan manage to spend a grand total of 90 seconds underwater before they resurface – having become separated as soon as they begun descent.


  • The Kidneys Expedition, 8th August 2018

    With summer in full swing, Giles and Holger decide Wednesday evening before pub night is a perfect opportunity to explore local waters. So local they’re able to kit up in the hut at Iffley and walk straight to the river for a quick dive at the Kidney’s, where the Isis meets the Cherwell.


  • Chesil Beach Expedition, 4th August 2018


  • Swanage Expedition, 28th July 2018

    Holger, Farah, Tom W, Clare, Giles, Suzy and David are off to Swanage. The weather is so balmy for today’s trip that some of our divers have eschewed their usual drysuits and instead donned wetsuits for the occasion.


  • Chesil Beach Expedition, 7th July 2018

    OUUEG are back at Chesil Beach and to the Royal Adelaide wreck!


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