If you have any questions about OUUEG do not hesitate to email our secretary or anyone from the club committee – we are always happy to help and even if we do not know the answer we will find someone who does.
Mailing list
Most of the club activity is advertised via the mailing list. To join please click this link to send an email to [email protected] with the subject of “subscribe ouueg”. Alternatively if you have an Oxford Single-Sign-On account, you can use the web interface to manage your subscription.
To unsubscribe visit the un-subscription web front-end and if that doesn’t work email our IT Officer.
Pub meetings
The best way to get an answer to any questions you might have or discuss diving ideas is to come and have a chat at the pub. We meet every Wednesday at 20:00.
The location is advertised in the mailing list, but you can always email our social secretary to find out where the next pub meeting will happen.
Social Media
You can find OUUEG on WhatsApp.
It’s a great way to be reminded of what’s happening soon in the club (be it a pub meeting, a dive trip or a training session) as well as to get your diving fix when you’re stuck in the office.