It’s a bright and early 06:30am meet for David, Penny, Imre, Donald, Kirill and Alexandre. They’re off to Chesil Beach for a day of shore diving.

The first order of the day was getting the kit over the pebble dunes and to the water. No mean feat! First mission accomplished, the divers headed into the water to dive the Royal Adelaide wreck. Due to some skewiff navigation, the first two buddy pairs managed to miss the wreck completely! However the Kirill and Donald, having watched the first four divers head off the wrong way, re-took their bearing and hit the Royal Adelaide. They were rewarded with an oasis of life – captured by Kirill and his trusty go-pro in the video below:

Video by Kirill

The second dive of the day was at Chesil Cove. By the time they’d refilled the tanks and move sites the divers weren’t in the water until 17:30. It was well worth the wait though – Penny saw an Undulate Ray – a meter long, with diamond patterns on its back – lots of blennies, wraths, soft coral and spider crabs.

Finally, the divers set off back to Oxford – arriving home around 2am.