
  • Trip Report Plymouth 12-13 July 2023

    In the good old tradition of OUUEG Plymouth trips, we went down to Devon to spend a weekend diving off our own club RHIB, which had just been refurbished, re-tubed and put back to its mooring place at Plymouth Yacht Haven Marina near Mount Batten.

    We got some nice accommodation in a private hostel/hotel, the Lake House in Hooe, only 3 minutes away from the marina. It wasn’t overly expensive, clean, quiet, and definitely an upgrade from the bunk house we usually stay in, however, I missed a communal area a bit, and we had to gather in one of the bedrooms for breakfast. Still, I would go back, since the location was so convenient!

    Our Saturday started with an early rise, we planned to hit the morning slack tide. Weather forecast promised a force 5 gusting 6 from SW, and we decided that getting out of the Sound wasn’t practical and we would try to dive sites on the Western end inside the Sound, for example Barn Pool. Upon arriving at the marina and inspecting the boat, however, we found out that the seams in the bow tubes had come apart!

    Seahorse looking sad Seahorse looking sad


  • First Try Dives of the academic year!

    Our Try Dives last Friday were a huge success!

    10 happy Try Divers got to take their first steps on their diving journey: Diving in Iffley pool Diving in Iffley pool

    Huge thanks to all of our instructors for giving up their Friday evening to help out, and a big thanks to Marius for organising the whole thing!

    Hope to see lots of fresh faces at tonight’s (Wednesday 11th October 2023) info evening at 7pm @ Raptakos Seminar Room, St Catherine’s College!


  • OUUEG at Fresher's Fair 2023!

    Mick's stall Mick’s stall

    Come see us at Fresher’s fair!

    New to diving?

    • Join the club:
    • Sign up for a try dive this Friday 6th October 20:00 – 23:00 (NEW TIME) or Friday 13th October 17:45 – 21:30:
      • Meet at the Kit Hut @ Iffley Road Sports Centre
    • New member info evening: Wednesday 11th October 19:00 @ Raptakos Seminar Room, St Catherine’s College


  • 29-30 July 2023: Basic Archaeology Diver Course

    As exciting as it sounds, the course (led by Giles Richardson and Ginge Crook of Maritime Archaeology Sea Trust, MAST) initiated us into the depths of maritime archaeology (not to be confused with treasure hunting :). Even more exciting is the fact that Oxford and Cambridge Universities first time (?) (editor’s comment: NOT the first time!) were not competing against each other but working together! 🙂


  • A Try Dive with OUUEG

    My introduction to OUUEG came when I went along to the weekly OUUEG pub social. I had heard it was a super friendly club and a great place to learn to scuba dive which interested me. That evening I found a super friendly bunch of people of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities, brought together by a shared love of diving. I spent hours listening to wonderful stories about shipwrecks and marine wild life adventures and by the end of the evening I was itching to try it out for myself.


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