Please save the date: on Thursday, 16 February 17, 19:00–21:30, location: tbc we will be holding our annual Expedition Planning meeting.

  • 19:00-19:45 Easter Training Trip Briefing
  • 20:00-21:30 Expedition Planning

First, our expeditions officer will give you a briefing on this year’s Easter Training Expedition. You will get details on the location, transport, accommodation, equipment, and how the training and diving will be organised. There will be plenty of time to answer all your questions. This part of the meeting is scheduled to last about 45 minutes. Please join us if you want to learn more about the Easter Training trip or are still not convinced to sign-up.

After a break (around 8pm-ish), we will commence with OUUEG’s annual expedition planning meeting to agree on an expedition schedule for the 2017 diving season. So please join us this evening with your ideas on expeditions we shall organise this year. If you have some crazy ideas and would like to discuss them in advance contact [email protected] or give Marko a call.

This is a must attend event for every member of the club! Especially, if you are training for Sports Diver or above. All further BSAC diving qualifications contain some aspects of dive management or expedition planning and the meeting is your chance to get your expedition or dive management scheduled in the club calendar.