OUUEG runs a Nitrox course on the 8th December at 6pm. It will be at the University IT department on 13 Banbury Road. Marko suggested to order Pizza because people might get hungry.

The Nitrox Course

The course consists of two theory sessions, plus a written exam, plus a practical part where you analyse a few gas mixes. All of that will be covered on the 8th, so you can apply for your certification card the same evening.

Attending the course will enable you to dive any Nitrox gas, containing up to 36% oxygen if you are Sports Diver or equivalent (or use Nitrox with 32% or 36% oxygen as if it was air if you are an Ocean Diver or equivalent). BSAC OD and SD courses already contain a session on Nitrox, so this course is mainly targeted at people who got their diving certification from other agencies, and would have to pay a lot of money to get their Nitrox certification from more commercially oriented agencies.

The course is free if you are a OUUEG member. The certification card will cost you £15. If you are not a member yet, you would have to sign up before attending (GBP 62.50), which brings the total damage to 77.50 – but compare that will a commercial Nitrox course… PLUS, you get a membership in a club with lovely people on top of that!

Please note: if you are planning to do the Sports Diver (SD), it is not necessary to take the Nitrox course, as you will learn the same during the SD theory session, and the SD certification includes Nitrox up to 36% oxygen. Unless, of course, you don’t want to or cannot wait for the SD course to finish, and would like to be certified earlier.

If you would like to attend, please drop a quick email [email protected] to give us an idea of numbers. Also, if you can’t do it on the 8th, but still want to do the course, please let us know – if we have enough people interested, we might run another course early next year.

Important!: please bring a photo like the ones you need for passports – you will have to send it together with your application to BSAC HQ.