Tonight, our pub night will be at the Eagle and Child on St Giles, starting from 20:30. They have food, so instructors and students won’t need to starve 😉

What else is going on with OUUEG?

  • This week is going mental with training.
    We will have Ocean Diver theory tonight, starting from 19:15.
    There will be three Ocean Diver pool sessions tomorrow and Saturday and Sunday.
    Let’s hope someone will be able to squeeze some “real” diving in 😉
  • Tonight will be an info session for already qualified divers new to the club, were we will discuss ways for crossing over from another agency, and opportunities for further training with OUUEG.
    We will meet at 19:00 at IT Services, 13 Banbury Road – please make sure to be on time, as we will have to walk through the door all together. We will leave a phone number outside on the door in case you arrive late.

Photo: happy novice divers and instructors after a fun try dive pool session.