Many of you joined the club as already qualified divers. For those of you who are interested in advancing their diving skills with OUUEG and within the BSAC system, we would like to have an Advanced Training Info Session on Wednesday, 16th of November, starting at 7pm. Marko kindly organised a room at the IT services, 13 Banbury Road for us. Things I would like to address are:- BSAC diver grades, and how to cross over from other agencies (PADI, SSI, CMAS etc…)

  • BSAC instructor development, and how to cross over from other agencies
  • Skill development courses, where you can learn additional skill in addition to the diver grade training
  • What we can do within OUUEG, and outside OUUEG
  • Which kind of training we plan to do over the next couple of months
  • and anything you would like to ask

Hope to see you all on Wednesday!