David’s words

What can I say about ET? It was fantastic and so good to be back at Porthkerris. Even though the drive down on Good Friday was a bit of a beast! The big question though, was would the weather play fair and let us dive? Yes it would and although the surf was a challenge and the vis probably not as good as we’d like, and after being frequently tumbled, we made it safely in and out of the water most day! We launched seahorse for a successful trip to the wreck of the Volnay and even got some training done! But the weather didn’t always play fair and some evenings we were as wet on the beach as we were in the sea! Well some of us were as wet in the sea as we were on the beach! The odd leaky dry suit. The caravans at Kennack Sands were a welcome retreat. Warm, comfortable and a great place to rest, recharge and enjoy some fantastic food. Thank you to all those that fed us so brilliantly. Bellies full and beers or ciders in hand, we chilled out in the evenings as we waited for MC Clara to give us the daily report, in rap! (See below) and some tunes on the guitar from Benjo.


Easter Sunday was a wipe out – but if it’s too rough to dive then it must be good enough to surf right? So Rosie called on her ‘surfer dude’ connections and half of use headed to Newquay to catch a wave, while others made fun packed trip to the Seal Sanctuary. A day that ended tastily with a Cornish pasty or two! The end of the week saw more frequent trips to the local – The Potters Bar – with some great folk music. A great lunch at Fat Apples, a cold dip in the sea, a hike or two and a night of sea chanties at Cadwith Cove.

After a great week, tired, smelly and ready for a week of sleep, a few bits of kit lighter we all headed home.

Thank you to everyone that made my ET such fun, diving with such great friends, old and new. Some amazing cooking and fantastic food, amazing company and great laughs. But most of all a huge thanks to Graham our Expeditions Officer for pulling it all together (and towing the boat!), to Kirill for driving the kit van and of course to Captain Haddock for getting the trailer fixed up.

David Brock

Clara’s Raps

The no diving day rap

well we woke up and made up our minds
that scuba wasn’t gonna happen this time
and instead of going under
we caught some waves
in the morning there was thunder
then the clouds went away

everybody stood up
on there two feet
all except david,
face first in pasties.

after a long day
in the washing machine
we made our way home
for some good cuisine.

yam, corn, and all things hot
whipping up goodies in a big pot
although the onions weren’t chopped as good
i’m the best slicer in this neighborhood.

now let’s toss some back
and sing some tunes
beer tastes better underneath the moon.

we can make our way to the pub
and make some friends
i don’t want this trip
to ever end

but before it does
hopefully we can get in the water
see some magic
like harry potter

ouueg is the best indeed
and there’s no place id rather be…

The rain rap, tap tap

we though the rain went away
but the rain came back
rain rap, rain rap, tap tap

we made our way down
to porthkerris
for another day
below the surface

rain in our face
and clouds in the sky
but we got in
without batting an eye

some spider crabs
sea urchin or two
uncontrolled ascent
washing machine round two

when we came up
outta the water
the waves took us out
like lambs to the slaughter

already looking like there’d be no second wave
but kirill and ben went in anyway

they made their way out and they did not stop
by the time they came up they were
taken to the rocks

graham and shannon finally made a dive
with superhero tom right by their side

david then called it
us all drowining on the shore
when he saw mick
drenched down to his core

so we packed the van then headed back
for some hot tea and sweet little snack

then rosie wanted to dip her toes in the sea
so along came her, leo, graham ben and me
we all went for a swim in the water
til our toes froze and the shivers startered

ben had to be saved by some kirill hugs
and we all caught the cold water bugs

we said by to ben
and the curry pot got hot
hoping for some scuba tomorrow
yeah hopin a lot

but for now we’ll settle for some night time massages
this is clara’s night time rap
let’s hear some applauses

Clara Fronabarger

And from Leo

The weather may not have been ideal, but diving at Porthkerris Beach was nevertheless tons of fun! Made new friends, sampled new recipes, and enjoyed the water even on the choppiest of days. The anemones, crabs, and urchins more than made up for getting pulverised by the waves. The trip is now forever immortalised in our special stash…

Leo Cox

Photos and videos

More photos here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Sbi8q6rbM95bDV56A.