The trip to Pembrokeshire was a long weekend stretching from Thursday to Sunday, consisting of a group of 8 intrepid explorers (Penny, Farah, Holger, Imre, Mi Jun, Rona, Sally, and Lok) staying in supposedly rain and wind-proof tipis. Despite looking like a fully blown out (and rained out) weekend, the team still managed to dive three out of the four days.

On the first day, we managed two chartered boat dives on the Stack Rocks and Lead Run High Point. On the first dive, an inquisitive seal on the first dive nearly took Mi Jun’s leg off. Trying to prevent the large bull seal doggedly biting off her fins was a sight to see, and was singlehandedly responsible for ruining her air consumption. The scallop bed on the second dive had an amazing view (and protected!)

The intrepid team! Holger and Rona will join us later in the trip.

Despite the worsening conditions on the second day with a gale force southerly, Martins Haven was sheltered enough to be a decent shore dive opportunity. The island ferries were not running due to the wind, and we had the run of the Haven to ourselves, to the confusion of the locals looking at us.

About to enter Martins Haven despite the gale force winds.

The winds on Saturday were unforgiving, however, and the team spent a day at the Lily Ponds Wetlands, trying to surf the waves and enjoying a spot of rock pooling in the evening.

The Wetlands park in all of its glory.

The winds had not let up by Sunday, but we managed to find the Blue Lagoon, a sheltered slate quarry connected by a small channel to the sea. The Lagoon had absolutely shocking visibility, not helped by the children jumping from the walls into the Lagoon. Regardless, it was a great wall dive. We found walls of shrimp in hidden crags, and many lobsters hiding in holes.

It was an awesome weekend, full of diving despite our low expectations from the weather forecast, and it was with a heavy heart that we left the tipis and pembrokeshire behind.

The Tipis in a rare moment of sunny weather.