A day of diving at Portland! First dive of the day was a wreck in the harbour at 10-15m, with visibility around 2m. Kirill captured some artsy footage of Rona and Jack, swimming into the green…

Video by Kirill.

After a quick lunch of burgers and fish and chips at the cafe, everyone was set for their second dive of the day. This time, to Durdle Door. The boat ride out was beautiful – past the white cliffs and rolling hills – and the dive was just as good. It started off in a big, open cave following by a fabulous reef. The divers saw lots of corals and nudibranchs (thanks to David who had conveniently just come back from a nudibranch identification course!) in stunning visibility of 10m. Kirill enjoyed some underwater acrobatics and showed off his superior buoyancy skills, happily floating along upside-down with his legs in the air and his head peering under rocks and into caves.

After an enjoyable bimble along the reef, Rona, Jack and Kirill surfaced a bit short of Durdle Door. Whilst the boat was picking up the rest of the divers they swam under the arch on the surface of the water – to the surprise of many a tourist enjoying a sunbathe on the beach.