It starts snowing about 90 minutes after arranging our trip to Stoney Cove. Undeterred and well bundled-up, Jenny, Rona, Holger, Simon C, Kirill and Luke head to the quarry. Rona, Jenny and Holger are all hoping to finish off diving qualifications (Sports Diver for Jenny and Rona, Advanced Diver for Holger). Kirill and Luke are just there for the love of diving.

Rona kicks off the day by getting bird poo on her diving kit. Happily, she’s straight into the water with her CBL from 20m and a DSMB deployment, before joining Kirill and Luke for a bimble to the sunken wreck of Defiant. Simon assesses Holger’s AS ascent for Advanced Diver.

Then Simon C, Jenny and Rona head off as assess Rona leading a dive and to tick off Jenny’s final dive condition. Ever over-weighted, the wall dive feels more like a climbing expedition (for Jenny at least). Rona’s excellent dive leading takes us past an eclectic mix of sights – Simon hovers in front of the bow of a small sunken boat, pretending to be in titanic, Rona finds and sits atop the Loch Ness monster, and Jenny enjoys seeing a fully decorated Christmas tree submerged at 10m – the weighted baubles hanging in the murky water.

After a quick refuel of chips, Rona and Holger finish off the day with Rona’s AS ascent for Sports Diver. Meanwhile, Jenny ambles into the dive shop to buy a better fitting mask accompanied by Simon who is unable to leave the quarry because his car has been boxed in.

We head to the pub to celebrate a successful (if chilly!) day of diving. Well done to Holger on becoming an Advanced Diver, and to Rona and Jenny on completing their Sports Diver qualifications!