Tom, Anne and I went to the Vobster diving centre last Sunday. That was a nice decent dive day trip! The weather was quite mild and water was still (well, of course, Vobster is an insite spot). It was fairly crowded with lots people being trained (for diving, snorkelling and even swimming).

We started our first dive around 11. Tom trained me for all OO2 skilled (a bit worried about mask clearing in 7 degree water before dive, but actually not that bad) on a 6 meter depth platform with Anne observing. It went smoothly. We swam around and saw some fresh water weed and other divers.

After a short break, we dived again and saw a rusty car and an airplane wreck down there. We found some tiny fresh water mussels and ‘no-one knows-what’ small fish (bitterlings?) with bright colour and dark straps. I also finished my OO3 training in that dive with Tom and Anne helping. It was pretty interesting!

We surfaced with a SC F, so took a long lunch break (with great deal of calories!) before the third dive. In the later dive, we swam around and saw a bridge-like structure and some wrecks (you cannot believe how many wrecks they left down there!!!). Then both Anne and I met a bit problem so we had to call it off and returned to Oxford (without anyone sleep-talking on the way back.….. ^_^).

It was a lovely training trip with great fun!